söndag 17 oktober 2010

New Blog

I don't update this blog very often, but never the less I have created a second one.
I'll still post stuff here when I have something new to show of.
But the new blog is focusing on a Comic project I'm working on.

For more info about the project just visit it at siderealdev
It's likley that that blog will be updated more frequently than this one because almost all my spare drawing time goes into that project.

torsdag 7 oktober 2010

New sketch and Twitter.

I have almost no free time to draw personal stuff as of late, as usual.
Most of the time when I do have free time I feel tired.
Basically I've felt to uninteresting to have a blog lately =P

I am working on a personal project which is coming together slowly.
This image is part of that project,
I don't want to give out any details yet because I get unmotivated pretty easily and If I tell the world what I'm working on prematurley I fear I'll get a false sense of accomplishment and get tired of it before it even starts.

And also I have a new twitter account twitter/drawguy

söndag 2 maj 2010

Been a while since the last update.
I haven't had anything to upload the last week since I've been working on stuff
I can't show publicly, not yet anyway.
but I've been putting a few minutes into this over the course of last month
Whenever I had a bit of free time.

It's for the April monthly jam at imagineFX's forum.
The theme for this challenge was "last command"

tisdag 20 april 2010

Everyone likes a filler, right?

That is basically what this post is, but maybe some people haven't seen this before.
I have new stuff I've drawn and done but I'm not allowed to show them yet.

I posted this up in my gallery over at deviantart some months ago.
Every sketch featured in this collage is fully colored in my gallery.

torsdag 15 april 2010

Not much going on.

Nothing much going is on in my private art frontier,
Stuffs happening at work right now, but I can't talk about that.
but I'd like to keep the blog alive, so in such an attempt I thought I'd upload some sketches.

Yoko from gurren lagann.
I did these sketches for my watchers at deviantart to vote on.
the middle one won, and is coloured here.

Also thought that I'd upload the sketch from my most popular devation.
Peach, Luigi and Mario ©Nintendo.

untill next time.

söndag 11 april 2010

Bust a move.

Here is something a bit older from me.
Sketched traditionally and coloured in photoshop.
It's very rare that I sketch traditionally any more, mostly
I only do it when a digital option isn't available, like when I travel or visiting
family or friends.
But even then it's rare since I usually bring my laptop and wacom everywhere.

The blond dude is someone I used as a fighting character over at Void a long time ago.
The redhead is a character called Mize and is owned by Nishi

lördag 10 april 2010

call me "wibble bwunny" again!

I get tired drawing cute cuddly little creatures doing cute little cuddly things sometimes.
Which is what I do at work currently.
So one day I drew a cute cuddly thing doing something AWESOME instead.

onsdag 7 april 2010

Keeping it real.

Drawing other peoples characters can be fun, refreshing and also a challenge, you would want to keep the personality as well as the design of the character. intentional alterations is okay in my book though, if you're just drawing them for fun, and there's a point to it.
This is basic stuff really, but you wouldn't want to draw a girl flicking someone of when your in charge of illustrating or designing the "shy girl"

That is all, Captain Obvious awaaaay!

Anyway on that point this is some sketches of Dj Goh-Goh I've been commissioned by Shwann to do.
Dj Goh-Goh © Shwann

Lineup sketches

This is an exercise I do sometimes to try and keep a common design on a line of characters.
It's not only helpful but extremely fun to do.
My mind keeps wandering when I sketch these,
"who are they, what are their names, What do they do, what kind of world do they live in, what are their personalities" and so on.
I don't always know what kind of characters I should do when I start.
sometimes I draw one character and try to match the rest of them with it.

I've been told that I have a really clean and neat sketch style, and a lecturer once told me that I could probably get hired as a conceptual artist just on that alone, which later, he himself did.
I could agree that I have a clean sketch style, I guess, but that is only true when I sketch digitally.
Don't be fooled though, I use as much guidelines as anyone, I just tend to clean them up while I sketch and don't need them anymore.

tisdag 6 april 2010

Taking the artist's way out.

Two christmases ago I tried to get away cheaply with gifts so I decided to paint pictures for ma and pa.
A WWII corsair plane for dad, and for mom some kind of horse breed she likes, according to my sister anyway.
Little did I know that printing these suckers in the size and quality I wanted would cost me alot (for me) of money anyway.
I have no regrets though, my parents deserved the time and money spent on those gifts.

So this decorates my dad's livingroom.
I've sadly lost the file with the horse painting, im not sure how.

måndag 5 april 2010


Besides from being a draw-nut, I'm also a science/space/physics-nut, one of those unsmart nerds that suck at math.
Anyway, sometimes those interests overlap and I draw something space-y or science-y

This is a mattepainting of mars in the early stages of a terraforming process.
Nothing fancy, just a photo of mars with some color editing and light brushwork to add forests and water.
mattepainting is something I need to work more on.

The Image is in wallpaper format so feel free to use it as such.

I'd like to start of with..

I'd like to kick this blog of by submitting something I've decided not to upload to my DeviantArt gallery, just due to the fact that this piece is so different from what I normaly upload there so I don't think my watchers would be very interested in it.
I made this for the monthly art challange at www.imaginefx.com forums, february 2010.
The theme was "Illustration For A Role-Playing Game"

Creepy cave dweller

In more current news, It's been a slow art month, longer hours at the office/school have made me tired and kind of uncreative on the little spare time I have left, and I contracted one of the worst colds I can remember me ever having.
Im hoping I'll adapt to these new hours soon and be able to draw more.

But here is a early draft of a character I've been playing with just for fun.