söndag 20 februari 2011

Blog moved

Yeah, with me loving how smooth and easy tumblr is I've decided to host my blog over there instead. sorry to anyone this may cause inconvenience.

Here it is drunkennovice.tumblr.com

söndag 17 oktober 2010

New Blog

I don't update this blog very often, but never the less I have created a second one.
I'll still post stuff here when I have something new to show of.
But the new blog is focusing on a Comic project I'm working on.

For more info about the project just visit it at siderealdev
It's likley that that blog will be updated more frequently than this one because almost all my spare drawing time goes into that project.

torsdag 7 oktober 2010

New sketch and Twitter.

I have almost no free time to draw personal stuff as of late, as usual.
Most of the time when I do have free time I feel tired.
Basically I've felt to uninteresting to have a blog lately =P

I am working on a personal project which is coming together slowly.
This image is part of that project,
I don't want to give out any details yet because I get unmotivated pretty easily and If I tell the world what I'm working on prematurley I fear I'll get a false sense of accomplishment and get tired of it before it even starts.

And also I have a new twitter account twitter/drawguy

söndag 2 maj 2010

Been a while since the last update.
I haven't had anything to upload the last week since I've been working on stuff
I can't show publicly, not yet anyway.
but I've been putting a few minutes into this over the course of last month
Whenever I had a bit of free time.

It's for the April monthly jam at imagineFX's forum.
The theme for this challenge was "last command"

tisdag 20 april 2010

Everyone likes a filler, right?

That is basically what this post is, but maybe some people haven't seen this before.
I have new stuff I've drawn and done but I'm not allowed to show them yet.

I posted this up in my gallery over at deviantart some months ago.
Every sketch featured in this collage is fully colored in my gallery.

torsdag 15 april 2010

Not much going on.

Nothing much going is on in my private art frontier,
Stuffs happening at work right now, but I can't talk about that.
but I'd like to keep the blog alive, so in such an attempt I thought I'd upload some sketches.

Yoko from gurren lagann.
I did these sketches for my watchers at deviantart to vote on.
the middle one won, and is coloured here.

Also thought that I'd upload the sketch from my most popular devation.
Peach, Luigi and Mario ©Nintendo.

untill next time.

söndag 11 april 2010

Bust a move.

Here is something a bit older from me.
Sketched traditionally and coloured in photoshop.
It's very rare that I sketch traditionally any more, mostly
I only do it when a digital option isn't available, like when I travel or visiting
family or friends.
But even then it's rare since I usually bring my laptop and wacom everywhere.

The blond dude is someone I used as a fighting character over at Void a long time ago.
The redhead is a character called Mize and is owned by Nishi